I am Greg White, an Internet professional living in Indianapolis, Indiana. Here is my LinkedIn profile and Facebook.
I have a variety of websites that I have been creating and managing since back in 1995. https://www.healthstatus.com is my flagship site which I started in 1998 and recently sold in 2021, and has had over 73 million website visitors.
Currently I have a team of seven that work for me full (ish) time, doing web development, design and writing for my websites, and my clients sites.
I also do regular consulting for clients, as part-time CTO, digital marketing advisor, website development coordinator, search engine optimization (SEO) and other Internet kinds of things.
I am always open to new business ideas, working together etc. You can email me at gwhite “AT” personaldotcom.com, or ping me on either LinkedIn or Facebook. Whichever helps you confirm that I am who I say I am. You can also use my personal domains at https://gregwhitelinked.com which demonstrates forwarding to LinkedIn, https://gregwhiteresume.com which demonstrates a resume site, and https://gregwhitesocial.com which shows using a domain as a social media hub.

My wife and I with our long time friend….